
Appknox: The Perfect Solution To Help You Move
Mobile Apps From DevOps To DevSecOps

Designed with just the right features to help you avert
security-induced revenue and reputation losses.

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Vulnerability Details At a Glance

The Appknox dashboard provides a quick overview of
vulnerabilities so you can quickly identify and address
potential security risks.

These are classified by impact variables based on the
level of threat they pose, so you can prioritize which
ones to address first.

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CVSS Based Reporting

The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)
helps organizations rate the severity of vulnerabilities
and prioritize which ones need immediate attention.

Using the same scoring framework, CVSS makes it
easier to compare and contrast the risks posed by
different vulnerabilities.

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Automated & Manual Scans to Give
360° Coverage

We offer both automated and manual scanning to give
your app a comprehensive coverage.

Our automated scan generates a no-false-positive
assessment in 60 min, & our Pentesters run a manual
scan to help you build a hack-proof mobile app.


DevSecOps is The New Norm

We get it. Shifting to DevSecOps can be intimidating. Your
teams just want to build beautiful software and security feels
like a blocker than an enabler. But with Appknox, DevSecOps
is made easy - meet the powerful mobile app security solution!

  • Intend to build security
  • Collaborate openly
  • Adopt an enable attitude

On-Premise Deployment for Extra Confidentiality

Our on-premise deployment model allows for scanning solutions to be hosted on
your own servers, as often requested by government institutions.

This means that your data is never uploaded to the cloud, allowing for increased confidentiality and ownership.


Add-ons To Enhance Your Security Coverage

Ensuring your solutions meet the latest compliance and regulatory needs

Let Us Protect You

Ensuring your solutions meet the latest compliance and regulatory
requirements through our compliance suite.

Our Clients Love Our Work, and Expert Reviews
Testify to That!

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Get Started With Appknox Today
Take Control of Your Mobile App
Security Before It Turns Into a
Business Threat.