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Appknox to help them make their mobile applications secure.
Appknox Competitive Advantage
- Mobile DevSecOps: Get DevSecOps for Mobile
Application Security - True DAST and Server-Side Testing: With our true
DAST, run your app on real devices and perform API Testing - Mobile VAPT in less than 60 mins: Slash mobile app
security testing cycles by 75% using Appknox's automated solution.
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Get Started With Appknox Today
Take Control of Your Mobile App
Security Before It Turns Into a
Business Threat.

Taryar W
Senior Security Researcher
Appknox gives us quick, step-by-step framework to resolve vulnerabilities. We've been effectively managing the security assessment of our entire mobile app ecosystem regardless of number of apps we ship, it takes us as little as 45 minutes.
By Singapore airlines