
Revealing Security Flaws in Banking Apps: Story From a Bug Bounty Hunter

We recently conducted a comprehensive security audit on our well-known banking application that offers various financial services. Our security researchers and bug bounty hunters worked diligently to identify any security flaws or vulnerabilities that could lead to unauthorized access to user accounts. We analyzed the banking app's security and found valuable insights. Read on for more.

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What’s Inside?

The E-book  provides an evaluation of unsecured and insecure security flaws, password vulnerability, and the issuance of sensitive customer IDs. Despite the company's acknowledgement of the importance of security, customer IDs were compromised. It highlights the importance of understanding the power of security.

This E-book includes:

  • Introduction: The significance of the banking application and its range of financial services.
  • Walking Down the Rabbit Hole: Enumerating services provided by the banking application.
  • The Bank Heist: Analysis of the credit card upgrade form and its encryption.
  • Conclusion: Recap of the critical data leak issues discovered in the banking service.
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