Top 5 Myths in Mobile Security and Apps

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Smartphones are quickly replacing personal computers in the sense that most tasks can easily be done on a smartphone rather than having to carry and use a bulky device like a PC or laptop. We use smartphones to check mail, shop, social media and a lot more. And while many companies, like Appknox, have been talking about security breaches and the need for mobile security, most consumers think these issues are not applicable to them and their smartphones won't be affected.

5 Myths in Mobile Security and Apps

1. Antivirus is not needed for smartphones

Just because a mobile phone is a small device sitting in your hand, it doesn’t mean it’s not worthy of as much protection as your computer. Just like a computer, you should also have comprehensive mobile security option on your phone like antivirus, anti-malware, etc.


2. Apps of trusted brands are safe

For hackers, it is very easy to make a malicious app look safe. In fact, more than 97% of the Top 100 Paid Android apps and 85% of the Top 100 paid iOS apps have been hacked and this includes big brands like Starbucks, Snapchat, Target, etc.


3. SMS is safe

Often people believe SMS is safe and provides protection. Well, it does not. Period! Text messaging is not secure and in fact, it’s often subject to spam. Charlie Miller is the Head of Security of Uber, and previously claimed that iPhones can be hacked by a simple SMS.


4. No phishing on smartphones

The fact is that smartphones are more prone to phishing attacks because it is often difficult to identify and detect suspicious links on the smaller screen. Plus, phishing scams can occur easily via text and social media apps too.


5. Pin lock code is making my phone safe

A PIN is an incomplete protection when mobile security is concerned because hackers may guess the PIN code or use software to nail the four-digit sequence. You’d be surprised how many people’s PINs are 1234 or 2222. Even if you have a longer PIN or passcode on your device, it’s a good mobile security practice to not have your apps automatically log you in, even though this may be convenient. You don’t want something to be able to easily access your bank accounts or post random messages on your social accounts.

Read also: 5 Mobile Application Security Best Practices that Companies Cannot Afford to Miss

Published on Feb 12, 2015
Written by Team Appknox


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